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History of art is a science that worked the specifical methods, examined in accordance with geographical region, country, communitties and time, the material culture goods to be art feature and created by mankind from the beginning to this day. The science disciplines in conjunction with archeology, history, philology, mythology and so on examines in terms of both appearance and tangible asset as well as the art features, style and symbolism mankind's artistic journey and the material culture artifacts that reflect this. It investigates how is reflected in the art of the character traits of the various communities.

Besides general Art History, there are also special Art History. Art History in various countries first studies the art of living in society. But in general, also makes comparisons dealing with the world of Art History. In this regard, History of Art in our country should be weighted Turkish Art especially.

On the one hand, examples that detected works of art by created Turkish community before Islam and then in the two basic circuit interpreted; other side, should be identified and revealed through library studies, field-survey and excavation rich architectural works (temples/mosques, madrasas, castles, bridges, grave monuments, caravanserais, palaces etc.) and other plastic arts (paintings, sculptures, reliefs), handicrafts (miniature, calligraphy, illumination, metal, fabric, etc.) in various countries established states after the Islamic, in central and inner Asia, in the steppe zone, These activities should be done both in Asia and in other areas Turks in which they live in historical period and in Turkey. Namely, inventory of material cultural heritage should be removed and this should be considered. Turkish Art Works should be compared with art of other countries and societies in terms of style, meaning, aesthetics and the position of Turkish art in World of Art should be revealed. These are task Department of Art History and Turkish and Islamic Art Department. In addirion, chronological development of Turkish art, doing research on artistic styles and teaching them and training researchers in this field are task of the Department of Art History again.

Studies in this area will gain identity to the community and individuals will provide better recognize their communities. Also by proclaimed the art set forth by former community, works of the past will be used as a kind of database in the development of society’s cultural activities in all fields. So, we will be able to further contribute to universal culture by better recognizing and knowing ourselves and our art.